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亮出品牌,走向世界——欧科亿亮相EMO 2023,展示技术实力和创新能力

阅读人气: 作者: 时间:2023-09-27

2023年9月18-23日,为期6天的德国汉诺威工业博览会EMO2023成功举办。该展览会是欧洲最具影响力的机床行业盛会之一,吸引了全球各地的机床制造商、供应商和专业人士。在此背景下,欧科亿携最新最前沿的先进数控刀具技术和解决方案亮相EMO 2023。
From September 18th to 23rd, 2023, the 6-day EMO 2023 Industrial Exhibition in Hannover, Germany, was successfully held. This exhibition is one of the most influential events in the European Metalworking industry, attracting manufacturers, suppliers, and professionals from around the world. Against this backdrop, OKE Precision Cutting Tools Co. Ltd (hereinafter referred as OKE) presented its latest and cutting-edge advanced CNC cutting tool technology and solutions at EMO 2023.

The OKE booth at the exhibition was divided into four sections: product display, technical consultation, business negotiations, and after-sales support. The product display primarily featured the latest cutting tool products, including integral carbide tools, high-precision square shoulder milling cutters, small parts processing tools, and other new product series. It also emphasized comprehensive processing solutions and application cases for five major processing areas: aerospace, rail transportation, automotive manufacturing, wind power generation, and mold manufacturing. These solutions encompass efficient tool design, tool selection, and processing parameter optimization, all aimed at helping customers improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance product quality.

During the exhibition, OKE's technical team engaged in in-depth discussions with customers, providing professional advice and technical support to on-site visitors and sharing the latest industry trends and innovative technologies. The booth saw a continuous influx of visitors seeking information on OKE's products and processing advantages. OKE's technical team offered tailored technical guidance and customized solutions based on the specific needs and processing application characteristics of local users.

欧科亿展位号:Hall 5 Stand No.D94
The EMO Hannover serves as a vital platform for OKE to expand its international market, enhance brand influence, strengthen cooperation with international partners, broaden overseas markets, and boost its competitiveness.
OKE looks forward to engaging in in-depth discussions and collaborations with professionals from around the world, working together to drive the development and innovation of the machines industry.
OKE Booth Number: Hall 5 Stand No. D94

责任编辑: http://www.oke-carbide.com


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